Monday, 14 December 2009

Editing The Commentary

The hardest thing we found about editing our footage was cutting it down to around 5min. We had a lot of footage so we had to decide what we deleted and what we kept. We also wanted the commentary to be organized in the order of the question so Q1 and the beginning of the commentary and ending with Q4. We started the commentary with footage of the beginning of the music video and then the music fades to quite and we start talking, at the end of the commentary the talking fades and the music starts and the end of the music video is shown. To make it visually interesting we had a mixture of us talking/discussing and then some footage/pictures shown whilst were talking that relate to what were talking about e.g clips from the video, pictures of ancillary tasks (q2), screen-shots of final cut and websites we used (q4) etc.

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