"Is this what they call love?"
"Is this what they call love?"
"Is this what they call love on a saturday night?"
"I'm just a man. I'm just a man"
"Not even a great one"
"I'm too vain for greatness"
"Is this what they call love on a saturday night?"
"Is this what they call sex?"
"Is this what they call sex?"
"Is this what they call sex on a saturday night?"
"Time for the nightclubs"
"Time for the nightclubs"
"Providing the soundtrack... for dry-humping on dancefloors"
"Is this what they call sex on a saturday night?"
"Is this what they call hate?"
"Is this what they call hate?"
"Is this what they call hate on a saturday night?"
"Broken beer bottles"
"Broken beer bottles"
"Thrown like American footballs"
"Hey it's just jocks high on hormones"
"Is this what they call hate on a saturday night? Alright."
"Is this what they call hate on a saturday night? Alright."
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